Introducing HACKING

It is an art to secure the particular data or to gaining access over it is known as hacking.
It may be of legal or illegal and the person who uses this art is called hacker.
There are four types of hacker:-

White Hat:
This type of hacker is also known as “Ethical Hacker”. Using the art of hack in legal way is known as White Hat.
Black Hat:
This type of hacker uses the art of hacking in illegal ways.
Grey Hat:
This type of hacker uses the art of hacking in both ways legal or illegal.
Suicide Hacker:
This type of hacker uses the art of hacking in illegal work deeply.
Let’s begin with wifi hacking…

Wifi Hacking:
Before we start , let us focus on little bit knowledge here.
There are three types of encryption for wireless networks which you have to know:

WEP: Full form is Wired Equivalent Privacy.
 It is the older form of encryption developed around 1999 to secure wireless Access Points.

WPA: Full form is Wi-Fi Protected Access .
When some weaknesses were found in WEP type of encryption WPA was adopted in 2003 along with the full IEEE 802.11 security standard dubbed (WPA2) which was adopted in 2004.
WPA is better than WEP; WPA uses the TKIP (Temporal Integrity Protocol) which changes key automatically.
WPA2: Full form is Wi-Fi Protected Access 2.

WPA2 is built on WPA adding an encryption algorithm named CCMP (Counter Mode with Cipher Block Chaining Message authentication Code Protocol) which is supposedly be really secure. All Wireless Routers built today requires WPA2 encryption support.

Few terms are given here:An xSSID is an identifier of either a network by name or a radio by MAC address.

BSSID: It is the MAC address of the AP's radio for that service set. Full name is Basic Service Set Identifier. For example 11:22:33:44:55:66, 22:33:44:55:66:77, etc.

SSID: It is the Service Set Identifier or network name for the basic service set(BSS).

ESSID: It is same as the SSID but is used across multiple access points as part of the same WLAN. Full name Extended Service Set Identifier. 

BSS: A set of stations controlled by a single coordination function.

IBSS: A BSS that forms a self-contained network, and in which no access to a distribution system (DS) is available.(ad-hoc)

ESS: A set of one or more interconnected basic service sets (BSSs) and integrated

local area networks (LANs) that appears as a single BSS to the logical link control layer at any station associated with one of those BSSs.

Channel (CH): The maximum data rate of any single wireless link can be described by the Shannon's theorem which is related to the bandwidth in hertz, and the noise on the channel.

Power: It measures the signal strength covering of any wifi router.

WPS: Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS; originally Wi-Fi Simple Config) is a network security standard that attempts to allow users to easily secure a wireless home network but could fall to brute-force attacks if one or more of the network's access points do not guard against the attack.

Client: This declares that single system is connected to the respective wireless network or more the one system are connected to the wireless network.
For more information check other pages..

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